Lanxi Ruan

Filmmaker | Photographer

Berlin, without me 此心安處是吾鄉

2024 | Germany | Docufiction | 39 min | Chinese, English, German | Digital | Color | Dolby 5.1 | DCP

“A displaced individual tries to cope with her identity crisis after being thrown into a vastly different cultural environment. In this semi-autobiographical film, an old apartment in Berlin has become a haven for the young drifter from China who savors her makeshift peace at home.”

Director, screenplay, editing: Lan-xi Ruan | Cinematography: Ayşe Alacakaptan, Felicitas YangMusic: Claudius Kamp Sound: Nils Plambeck, Shadi Fradi | Grading and Mastering: Carlos Vasquez | Producer: Lan-xi RuanExecutive Producer: Siew Hua Yeo

Produced by Chickpea Entertainment, Berlin, Germany; in association with Incantation Films, Singapore; with the support of DFFB, Berlin, Germany; ARRI, Berlin, Germany.